From: Peter Stanton
Subject: Your Visit
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 00:15:33 +0000
To: Bishop P. O'Donoghue

Dear Bishop Patrick,

Thank you for coming to Castlerigg to talk to the staff yesterday. I know it was not an easy thing to do, and I know that they all appreciated you coming in person.

The lifting of the freeze on recruitment has done a great deal to lift the spirits of the team and the domestic staff.

I would like to write to the schools to share with them the reassurances you gave the staff.

In order that I do not misrepresent what was said I include some recollections I have of the meeting. They, of course, do not summarise all that was said, but I have picked out things that would be reassuring to both Castlerigg staff and schools to have in writing from you.

Could you please confirm that they accurately reflect the meeting or make any amendments you feel appropriate before I distribute them?

      On the 25th March 2009 Castlerigg Manor employees were assured by 
      Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue that:
      1. The Diocese is making a substantial investment in the fabric of the
         building but this will be a phased programme, largely carried out in 
         school holidays, and not involving any extended closure of the Centre.
      2. There will be no redundancies.
      3. In this reorganisation the terms and conditions of their employment
         remain the same.
      4. Although Castlerigg Manor is primarily for the Diocese of
         Lancaster, clients from outside the diocese will have their existing 
         bookings honoured and continue to be welcome at Castlerigg Manor.
      5. The main focus of the work of Castlerigg Manor will remain youth 
      6. The model of the new service is not the model in the document
         entitled 'Fit for Mission: A review of the Lancaster Diocesan Youth
         Service. Report to the Bishop of Lancaster. 18th December 2008'
      7. Castlerigg Manor will continue its tradition of recruiting paid, 
         trainee youth tutors.

Since the Trustees of the diocese are cited as the employers on the contracts of the staff at Castlerigg Manor, it might be helpful (particularly to those who are not Catholics) if they could echo the assurances in points 2 and 3. Is this possible?

I would like to thank you for the considerable efforts you are making to improve the service to our young people in the diocese. I don't always agree with you, but I do not doubt the sincerity of your commitment to evangelisation among them.

Could you convey my thanks too to Mgr Mulvany and to Fr Robert.

Wishing you every blessing

Peter Stanton