From: Peter Stanton
Subject: Interviews for Youth Tutors and Volunteers
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 15:46:25 +0100
To: Patrick Mulvany

Dear Monsignor,

Easter Greetings.

Following your telephone call of 26 March we contacted all those who had applied for Trainee Youth Tutor and Volunteer posts for the coming academic year. We invited them to come to see a course over the next few weeks. Those that are still interested have accepted invitations to come in the three weeks 20-25th April, 27 April - 1 May and 4-8 May. We hope to interview them on the Thursday afternoons as usual.

Since then, the Bishops’ Response has asked us to recruit Trainee Youth Tutors for one year only. We have contacted those who intend to come for interview for these positions to tell them of message of the Bishops’ Response. We have also told them that we do not have a job description or a curriculum for the proposed one year post. In view of the fact that I will not be around next year, I do not feel in a position to be able to create such documents.

I am also unsure as to when you would like them to begin work, should they be offered the posts. They have previously started about the 24th August, but you may wish to wait one more week and start them on 31st, since the first course of the new year are not due in until 7th September. You may wish to give them and what refurbishment you are planning for that time. (Currently, I have not booked any groups in between 13th August and 7th September, but in the normal course of things I would be looking to fill these weeks.)

I hope the Management Group will be able to send representatives to the interviews and respond to any questions candidates may have.

Wishing you a happy Easter,
Peter Stanton