A Quantitative Analysis of the Effects of a Residential Experience

Research carried out at Castlerigg Manor in the summer term of 2008

Other answers given by the 31.61% who answered ‘much more’ to question 14:
Would you say your friendships with the friends you had before you came are more or less strong?

Range of Responses

Graph of responses of those who answered question 14 with option 5 - ‘much more’
nonemuch worsemuch lessnot at all
a fewworselessa little
a lotthe samethe samea lot
much bettermuch more

Graph of ‘Positivity’

Graph of positivity of those who answered question 14 with option 5 - ‘much more’
This 31.61%
All Questioned

Graph of Difference in Positivity Compared to All Questioned

Graph of difference in positivity of those who answered question 14 with option 5 - ‘much more’

Other answers given by the 31.61% who answered ‘much more’ to question 14:
Would you say your friendships with the friends you had before you came are more or less strong?

In Table Form

nonea fewa lot
Q2Have you happy memories of the week?97.96%0.00%4.08%95.92%
Q3Have you made new friends?80.61%0.00%38.78%61.22%
Q4Have you enjoyed new experiences this week?95.92%0.00%8.16%91.84%
much worseworsethe samebettermuch better
Q5Have you a better or worse understanding of how others see you?72.45%0.00%0.00%6.12%42.86%51.02%
Q6Do you consider yourself to be a better or a worse person?59.18%0.00%2.04%12.24%51.02%34.69%
Q7Do you know how to look after yourself better?38.78%0.00%2.04%32.65%51.02%14.29%
Q8Are you better or worse at making decisions?51.02%0.00%0.00%24.49%48.98%26.53%
Q9Are you better or worse at speaking in front of others?61.22%0.00%2.04%12.24%46.94%38.78%
much lesslessthe samemoremuch more
Q10Are you more or less trusting of others?58.16%0.00%4.08%10.20%51.02%34.69%
Q11Are you more or less self-conscious?27.55%12.24%46.94%26.53%12.24%2.04%
Q12Do you respect others more or less?71.43%0.00%0.00%2.04%53.06%44.90%
Q13Do you value others more or less?73.47%0.00%0.00%4.08%44.90%51.02%
Q15Do you think you are more or less likely to give others a chance?72.45%0.00%0.00%0.00%55.10%44.90%
Q16Do you value spending time with others more or less?79.59%0.00%0.00%2.04%36.73%61.22%
Q17Do you think you understand those around you more or less?63.27%0.00%0.00%6.12%61.22%32.65%
Q18Do you feel more or less likely to try out new things?71.43%0.00%0.00%8.16%40.82%51.02%
Q19Do you value people who are different from you more or less?68.37%0.00%0.00%6.12%51.02%42.86%
Q20Are you more or less concerned about equality in the world?55.10%0.00%0.00%18.37%53.06%28.57%
Q21Do you feel more or less concern for the environment?23.47%0.00%0.00%57.14%38.78%4.08%
Q22Are you more or less likely to take things for granted?43.88%18.37%63.27%8.16%8.16%2.04%
Q23Do you feel you know more or less about your faith?71.43%0.00%0.00%8.16%40.82%51.02%
Q24Would you say your faith is more or less strong?72.45%0.00%0.00%6.12%42.86%51.02%
Q25Is the church more or less important to you?48.98%0.00%2.04%22.45%51.02%24.49%
Q26Do you feel more or less close to God?59.18%0.00%0.00%18.37%44.90%36.73%
Q27Do you feel more or less like praying?52.04%0.00%0.00%24.49%46.94%28.57%
Q28Do you feel you are more or less religious?50.00%0.00%0.00%26.53%46.94%26.53%
Q29Do you feel you are more or less embarrassed about your religion?32.65%24.49%32.65%32.65%4.08%6.12%
Q30Do you value working in a team more or less?66.33%0.00%0.00%8.16%51.02%40.82%
Q31Do you value listening to others more or less?66.33%0.00%0.00%6.12%55.10%38.78%
not at alla littlea lot
Q32Do you feel you have learnt more about yourself?87.76%0.00%24.49%75.51%
Q33Do you value yourself more?64.29%4.08%63.27%32.65%
Q34Have you felt a sense of achievement this week?88.78%0.00%22.45%77.55%
Q35Do you feel you have changed?73.47%6.12%40.82%53.06%
Q36Have your priorities in life changed?66.33%10.20%46.94%42.86%
Q37Have you learnt how to get on with people better?85.71%0.00%28.57%71.43%
Q38Have you learnt about how to make new friends?86.73%0.00%26.53%73.47%
Q39Do you feel differently about the world you live in?67.35%8.16%48.98%42.86%
Q40Have you had fun?98.98%0.00%2.04%97.96%
Q41Did you feel challenged this week?64.29%8.16%55.10%36.73%

Questions in order of magnitude of difference in positivity
by the 31.61% who answered ‘much more’ to question 14:
Would you say your friendships with the friends you had before you came are more or less strong?

This 31.61%All QuestionedDifference
Q19Do you value people who are different from you more or less?68.37%47.12%21.25%
Q24Would you say your faith is more or less strong?72.45%53.25%19.20%
Q16Do you value spending time with others more or less?79.59%60.90%18.69%
Q15Do you think you are more or less likely to give others a chance?72.45%54.87%17.58%
Q12Do you respect others more or less?71.43%54.81%16.62%
Q27Do you feel more or less like praying?52.04%35.71%16.33%
Q5Have you a better or worse understanding of how others see you?72.45%57.37%15.08%
Q36Have your priorities in life changed?66.33%51.28%15.04%
Q25Is the church more or less important to you?48.98%34.09%14.89%
Q13Do you value others more or less?73.47%58.65%14.82%
Q23Do you feel you know more or less about your faith?71.43%57.14%14.29%
Q18Do you feel more or less likely to try out new things?71.43%58.65%12.77%
Q9Are you better or worse at speaking in front of others?61.22%49.36%11.87%
Q20Are you more or less concerned about equality in the world?55.10%43.27%11.83%
Q3Have you made new friends?80.61%68.91%11.70%
Q10Are you more or less trusting of others?58.16%46.79%11.37%
Q38Have you learnt about how to make new friends?86.73%75.64%11.09%
Q22Are you more or less likely to take things for granted?43.88%32.79%11.09%
Q31Do you value listening to others more or less?66.33%55.52%10.81%
Q28Do you feel you are more or less religious?50.00%39.29%10.71%
Q26Do you feel more or less close to God?59.18%48.70%10.48%
Q32Do you feel you have learnt more about yourself?87.76%77.56%10.19%
Q17Do you think you understand those around you more or less?63.27%53.53%9.74%
Q6Do you consider yourself to be a better or a worse person?59.18%49.68%9.50%
Q11Are you more or less self-conscious?27.55%19.55%8.00%
Q4Have you enjoyed new experiences this week?95.92%88.14%7.78%
Q35Do you feel you have changed?73.47%65.71%7.76%
Q8Are you better or worse at making decisions?51.02%43.59%7.43%
Q37Have you learnt how to get on with people better?85.71%78.90%6.82%
Q39Do you feel differently about the world you live in?67.35%60.58%6.77%
Q34Have you felt a sense of achievement this week?88.78%82.37%6.40%
Q30Do you value working in a team more or less?66.33%61.69%4.64%
Q29Do you feel you are more or less embarrassed about your religion?32.65%28.90%3.76%
Q40Have you had fun?98.98%95.51%3.47%
Q2Have you happy memories of the week?97.96%94.55%3.41%
Q33Do you value yourself more?64.29%61.04%3.25%
Q7Do you know how to look after yourself better?38.78%35.90%2.88%
Q41Did you feel challenged this week?64.29%65.38%-1.10%
Q21Do you feel more or less concern for the environment?23.47%22.40%1.07%